Komast í samband

capsule house-84


Capsule household is a great option for men or other people who want to live simply and eventually easily. A great decision if you want to survive in a busy city and love the Earth our groovy terrain. Enjoy for Many PeopleThese types of properties are much different from a normal house, and they can be great to have fun with. These are nice little houses for people who want to live small, but still have their necessities. CDPH forsmíðað hús pínulítið can be any place smaller than 100 square feet — the size of a big room. But inside, it can have a comfy bed and even your own little kitchen where you can cook as well as a bathroom and room for storage. It helps people become minimalistic, reducing their possession to simplicity and a happy life without surrounded by all items.

The smart solution for urban dwellers and the eco-conscious.

They consist of small homes and are taking over living in cities because they cost less to buy, can be rented or shared with others also a good deal for the environment. A gámahús is a cost saver, in view of the rising prices for rent living space and limiting access to habitation. Residing in a capsule house ensures minimum utilization of energy and reduces global warming pollution helping to save the planet for your future generations. It’s a win-win situation

Why choose CDPH Capsule house?

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CDPH framleiðir og selur ýmsar gerðir einingahúsa, forsmíðahúsa og einbýlishúsa. Mikið úrval af vörum tryggir okkur að veita viðeigandi lausn fyrir hverja verkfræðibúðir.