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capsule house china-84

Hylkishús Kína

Capsule houses are tiny houses which have been gaining momentum in larger cities across the nation, just like the CDPH's product called hylki pínulítið hús. The homes are minuscule, roughly the size of a small bedroom. They are, by design, space-efficient and pretty much all of it fits in one tiny area. That makes them a great choice for those who want to be in the city and live there.

The Uber of Capsule Homes in China

In China, where many people live in cities and there is not enough room for everyone to have a big house the capsule house are getting more popular, also the nútíma hylkishús developed by CDPH. Case in point: They have a huge population to begin with and are such big cities, so even being able to find somewhere you can live is difficult. People want to live near where they work and play, but not in an expensive big apartment. Capsule houses could work great. They cost very little to rent, use virtually no floor space so they are ideal for city living.

Why choose CDPH Capsule house china?

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