Komast í samband

container homes-84


CDPH Containers, those big metal tins. However, something really exciting is happening. Today, these containers are purchased by many experts from the industry to redesign them into beautiful homes. Being is a completely different, new and original Genre. With the need for a greener planet top of mind, creative solutions are being applied more and more to recycling. Like what shipping containers can really be used for when building homes. One such type is the container homes that are following each other around the world. Gámaheimili are just starting to be popularized in America and can cost a lot less than what is offered here for traditional housing Japanese style. It’s a win-win situation.

The versatility of container homes

Ílát forsmíðaðir heimili are beautiful because they can be so versatile. Additionally, it can be talon-shaped in different sizes as well; this makes for quite a lot of variance. Different you can do number of things to make the layout more convenient and comfortable. For example, some build long multiple story houses by stacking vessels on top of each-other. For right that for instance support crates, containers in the garden build shipyard children's playroom as shown below and the possibilities are endless.

Why choose CDPH Container homes?

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CDPH framleiðir og selur ýmsar gerðir einingahúsa, forsmíðahúsa og einbýlishúsa. Mikið úrval af vörum tryggir okkur að veita viðeigandi lausn fyrir hverja verkfræðibúðir.