Komast í samband

for sale container house-84

for sale container house

Do you want a unique home for your family without draining your wallet? If so, you need to see this container home that is available for sale! This particular residence has been constructed out of a shipping container, and it is the perfect home for those who are looking to get the most from their living spaces whilst enjoying as much comfort that space can offer.

    Minimalistic Design Meets Functionality in This Container House for Sale

    This container home has a basic design which makes it an outstanding place. You will get a new and intelligent house that you can live in right away. The container house is fitted with all the essentials of life, a kitchen to prepare delicious meals, a toilet for personal needs and bedroom area where you can hover in your dreams. A significant amount of storage space is available, so you will be able to keep your stuff well-organised.

    Why choose CDPH for sale container house?

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