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Foldable prefab house

A century ago people could only occupy the English houses they built or bought build by other people. These houses were normally crafted from bricks, wood or different substances which used to require time in creation. However, however, there's a type of house that is foldable: the prefab houses! This house folds up like a piece of paper and it can be taken anywhere. Isn’t that cool?

Foldable Prefab House is a specific type of house, which consist in factory made modular homes. Skilled labor builds the walls, roof and floors off-site. When everything is prepared, the home is moved to where you wish it placed. The uniqueness of these homes, is that they can be site assembled in a period of time. They are also modular structures, which means that they come in pieces and can be assembled. They can be folded as well to help make the moving even easier - hence "modular homes.&cotran;.

The Future of Housing

There are actually some that would consider these foldable prefab houses to be the homes of tomorrow. They are more environmentally-friendly than conventional homes as well, using fewer resources and generating less waste throughout the construction process. Additionally, they can be constructed in a far shorter time and for less money than most traditional homes. Also, there are versatility in design that allow those houses to be suited with the family or even individual. This means anyone can find a foldable prefab house that fits them.

Why choose CDPH Foldable prefab house?

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Engineering Camp Construction

CDPH manufactures and sells various types of modular house, Prefab house and Villa house. Wide range of products ensures us to provide suitable solution for each engineering camp.