Komast í samband

apple cabin-84

Epli skáli

There's a place you might not be aware of.. It’s called an apple cabin. You close your eyes and picture a beautiful little house in the middle of an apple orchard. A place where vacationist can visit and enjoy. Sounds exciting, right? I want to delve more into why an apple cabin makes for the perfect escape!

Give in to chill times at an apple cabin (they rent them by the night and week!). The cabin has a bedroom to sleep in, bathroom for comfort, kitchen where you can cook some great meals and living room sit back relax. Yet what really sets the apple cabin apart is its spot in Montana. It is smack in the middle of an apple orchard! You will find yourself in a well of apple trees that grow high up and make air fresh by their odor mixed with the vibrant colors. One of the best parts - you can pick your own apples (SO much fun!) and then eat them right there in orchard.

    Experience the rustic charm of an apple cabin getaway

    Sleeping in an apple cabin is a special memory and not easily forgotten. It feels a little like I stepped back into the past, your life where things move slower and quieter. Featuring cosy wooden cabins with a fireplace, The cabin is row-boat access only with no TV nor Internet which I see as a plus to help you unplug from all of the technology. So, you spend your time playing board games with family for reading books or as how I like to pass my time by sitting on the porch and watching Sunset turning color.

    Why choose CDPH Apple cabin?

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