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Container house luxury

So, have you ever met a house container? Almost unbelievable, but true! So you are getting big metal box and turning it into beautiful home // So Growing number of people convert this HUGE METAL BOX to lovely house I am seeing this trend take off, and it is really fun to see how people have begun creating with what was previously only seen as a way to transport things.

How Shipping Containers Became the Height of Luxury

Containers have to be wildest used for moving goods around the oceans on cargo ships first. It was built to be powerful which makes them ideal for any heavy-duty hauling. Next, it was found that these containers are tough and can be easily handled from one place to another. However, architects and designers have since gotten a lot more creative with their container homes — think rooftop terraces to lounge in the sun; pools to cool off during those punishing hot summer days (you lucky), and even your very own movie theatre.

Why choose CDPH Container house luxury?

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