EPC Solution Services For Engineering Campsites Include: Campsite Planning, Nine System Design, Nine System Material Production And Procurement, Logistics Transportation, On-Site Construction, Operation and Maintenance.
Kazakhstan - China Technology Development - Kazakhstan Project
Myanmar-China-Myanmar Pipeline Nankan Project
Pakistan - Sina Machinery Pakistan Thar Coal-accendit Power Planta Project
World vision and international standards;A millennium project and a national event -- Chengdong Camp has helped the development of Xiongan New Area Take OffThe project was completed by A joint venture of Chengdong Campsite, Anjie Chengdong.On March 2...
CDPH artificia et varias vendunt aedes modularis, Prefab domus et villa domus. Proventus amplis efficit ut aptam solutionem singulis castris machinalibus praebeamus.