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expandable modular house-84

Өргөтгөх боломжтой модульчлагдсан байшин

Many a year ago, houses were typically built in the traditional way always starting from nothing using basic materials. This means that instead of beginning with the roof and working your way down, you would begin at the foundation building UP to reach a complete home right? But hey, guess what - I more recently found a something exciting and new! Some people change houses to everything we know about living spaces, This is an expandable modular house, and it redefines livability.

    Introducing the Expandable House

    What is an expandable modular house? Picture a home that works just like those building blocks you used to play with. They fit together like jigsaw puzzles, and can be stacked in various orientations. So, no two houses will ever look the same- just like all the families that live in them! We all know that there are no two houses in the world which look exactly alike.

    Why choose CDPH Expandable modular house?

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    CDPH нь төрөл бүрийн модульчлагдсан байшин, угсармал байшин, Вилла хаус үйлдвэрлэж зардаг. Өргөн хүрээний бүтээгдэхүүн нь инженерийн бааз бүрт тохирсон шийдлийг хангах боломжийг бидэнд олгодог.